Ensure your Social Ads campaigns deliver the best possible results.

An expert approach to your Social Ads campaigns, based on our Web Analytics and Webmarketing expertise and our ability to identify the most effective advertising creations.

WebAnalytics, Tracking, & Data
Are your Facebook Ads campaigns really contributing to your success? If so, how ? Our web analytics experts help you understand the real contribution of your advertising investments on social networks. This notably involves setting up the conversion API, integrating web analytics and back-office data into your reports. The goal: precisely determine the return on your Social Ads investment and make the best decisions.
Optimized Campaigns
Our consultants apply our 70-point checklist to build campaigns that are as effective as possible. In particular, we use an optimization method based on A/B tests to improve results. The goal is to quickly understand which audiences, messages, and media deliver the best result.
Creative Optimization
Our specialists publish dozens of Facebook, Instagram, & Social ads every week. We can support you in many ways, depending on your requests:
  • By sharing with you the best business practices and recommendations of advertising platforms.
  • By regularly providing feedback on the performance of existing creations.
  • By taking charge of all of your advertising creations, from brief to delivery.
Reporting, tools, and analysis
Over the years, our engineers have developed several automated reporting tools that provide an excellent overview:
  • Results of each advertising platform, detailed by actions and segments (example: all Our commitments, detailed by geographical area)
  • The precise contribution of social media advertising investment to your overall marketing mix.

Hundreds of clients advised since 2006

  • We have been working with Bab'in Nutrition since 2018. The Social Ads investment is part of a complete web marketing system (SEA, YouTube Ads, Social Ads, Google Analytics) that we have been piloting since 2019. The objectives cover the entire journey buyer: from awareness building to performance-based, purchase-oriented marketing campaigns.
  • The result to date : Bab'in's online sales have grown by double digits every year.
  • La Compagnie du Kraft contacted us in 2021 to accelerate its growth on the internet. We manage all web marketing investments and support the company on Google Analytics.
  • The result to date : Increase in online sales of more than 50% / year.
  • Amazon, in partnership with Tra La Lère, contacted us in 2022 to create and manage Facebook / Instagram Ads and Snapchat Ads campaigns whose objective is to maximize the volume of subscribers on its Citizen Code Python platform.
  • The result to date : a renewal of the investment in 2023 and the establishment of new partnerships with Tra La Lère for the Citizen Code Junior & College platforms.
  • Diggers Factory, specialist in limited edition vinyl, contacted us in 2020 for support on all of its Social Ads acquisition channels (Meta Ads, Tik Tok Ads, Spotify Ads).
  • The result to date : continuous growth, a partnership renewed each year.
On which networks can we support you?
We have been working on web marketing campaigns for almost 20 years and have developed an expertise that allows us to build and optimize campaigns for most web advertising platforms.

For each platform, our team of consultants and developers allows us to:
  • Set up sophisticated conversion tracking.
  • Develop flows and product catalog.
  • To integrate the results of the platform into a coherent web strategy.
  • Compare the results of different acquisition channels with reliability.
In other words: we provide you with a complete and transparent vision of the results of each channel as well as a strategy that best orchestrates the various webmarketing levers.



Our commitments & guarantees


Daily monitoring of your account.

We monitor your investment and results on a daily basis to be highly responsive.



You own the accounts. Our prices are fixed in advance.


Results requirement

We only charge for items delivered.


100% optimized Facebook campaigns

Our goal is to guarantee you perfect work and that no external audit can identify any shortcomings.


Excellent knowledge of platforms

The first objective will be to maximize the impact of your investment. We have been working daily on Meta Ads campaigns since 2012.


Personalized support

You have a dedicated contact for your project.



Our consultants are all certified by Google / Facebook platforms, continuously trained and supported by a senior consultant.

Our Social Ads Support Package
(Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)

Which formula is right for you?




Which formula is right for you?
These are your first Social Ads campaigns. You want to know if this media can bring you customers.
You are already investing in Social Ads. You want to professionalize your approach and improve your results.
Your brand is growing. You want to benefit from premium support and custom tools.
Development of Social Ads campaigns on a network of your choice (usually Facebook/Iinstagram but it can also be Linkedin, Tik Tok, etc. depending on your objectives)
Setting up the Facebook Pixel
Daily monitoring of results, optimizations
Update creations once a month max
Dashboard and Custom Reporting
Implementation of the Facebook conversions API
Development of an Additional network (Tik Tok Ads, Snapchat Ads, etc.)
Integration of web analytics data in analyzes and management
Creation of a specific product catalog for Facebook
Webmarketing Strategy Consulting
Pack of Social Ads creatives / month
Automated update tool for key audiences (customers, etc.)
Web Analytics / GA4 support (SEA specific)
Motion design video creation
CRO Consulting - Conversion Rate Optimization

From 900€ / month
3 month commitment

1500 € / month
3 month commitment


Request Your Personalized Audit
Adrien Cimarelli

David Lindberg

Snow Globe has been supporting us for 3 years and has allowed us to considerably increase our online turnover.

Adrien Cimarelli

Denis Fayolle

A big thank you to Snow Globe for setting up, monitoring, and optimizing our campaigns over time, it's a pleasure to have such a good quality service provider on the SEA.”

Adrien Cimarelli

Geraldine Talec

Benoit is an expert passionate about his profession with a sharp eye on each sector of activity. Snowglobe knows how to guide towards the 'best practices' in order to quickly optimize each campaign of each advertiser thus obtaining fast and effective results. We have therefore lowered our investments in view of increased performance. In a word: Thank you!

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